Temporal Changes under the Influence of Digital Media

Current online communication disintegrates linear time and supports the simultaneous. Fast online communication also accelerates the ‘offline’ world – the world of business, transportation and so on. Thus, new temporal changes introduce disruption and desynchronisation of the old temporalities. The authors identify 4 risks caused by temporal desynchronisation: 1 – on the media level – desynchronisation between linear and simultaneous time. 2 – on the cognitive level – desynchronisation between fast time and limited cognitive capacity in humans. 3 – on the social level – desynchronisation between fast work time and slow time that we use for recreation, family life and so on. 4 – on the environmental level – desynchronisation between the fast economy and the slow regeneration of natural resources. The authors see a solution in antitemporalities, i.e. the ability to slow down fast time and switch between various time rhythms. However, we need to systematically learn how to use these anti-temporalities. The authors believe that the human mind needs quality cognitive training to be capable of slowing down and speeding up and thus switch efficiently between different time modes.

contemporality, digital media, offline world, online communication, slow and fast time, temporal desynchronisation