Attracting and Pre-Integrating Migrants Using Digital Media in the Local Labour Market

Multilevel migration management is, in the face of current negligence, a postulated management activity on many territorial levels: transnational, national and local. This process requires the intertwining of various spheres – public and private, internal and international. This kind of management is designed to define the dynamics of management and eliminate the barriers of the decision-making system, understood physically – as the boundaries of administrative units, and functionally – as political constraints. Growing deficits on the local labour markets require the state’s activity and taking targeted action in municipalities aimed at attracting and integrating immigrants. With the use of all tools available, especially digital media, territorial marketing and the resulting marketing communication can play a key role in this process. The main objective of the present study is to reflect on the problem of how to use digital media in order to acquire and integrate migrants into local labour markets. The article has the character of theoretical considerations. According to the author’s view, it is possible to conduct pre-integration of migrants even at the moment when they are still in their native country, during the period of making the decision to leave.

immigrants, labour market, local government, marketing communication, migration, municipality management, territorial marketing