Communication Today is interested in original theoretical or research studies, professional reviews of monographs or textbooks and other articles related to the focus of the journal, which have not been published yet. The journal consists of the following sections:
- Theoretical Studies: theoretical articles in the extent of 5,000 – 7,000 words (including references, abstract, profiles, etc.)
- Research Studies: research results and their practical implementation in the extent of 5,000 – 7,000 words (including references, abstract, profiles, etc.)
- Essays/Interviews: published occasionally, in the extent of 2,000 – 4,000 words
- Reviews: reviews of recently published monographs, textbooks and other publications in the fields of media studies or marketing communication, max. 2,000 words
- Today: news related to media communication and marketing (profiles of academic events, information on research projects, profiles of scholars, etc.), max. 1,000 words
Language of the submitted manuscripts
- All manuscripts must be written in English language
Text format (unless specified otherwise in brackets below):
- Font type: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 pt
- Alignment: justified
- Spacing: 1
- All margins: 2.5 cm
- Do not divide words
- Quotations and referenced passages: use numbered footnotes on the relevant page (not at the end of the manuscript)
Content arrangement of the manuscript
- Title of the text in English (16 pt, bold, align centre)
- Name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) (14 pt, align centre)
- Abstract in English – from 150 to 200 words (10 pt)
- Key words in English (10 pt)
- Titles of individual chapters (14 pt, bold)
- Bibliography (in form – KELLNER, D.: Media Spectacle. New York, London : Routledge, 2003.) The citation rules are available here.
- Contact data (name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) with full academic degrees, full address of the affiliated institution, e-mail, short bio and portrait photo of the author(s))
Please e-mail your article to: in the Microsoft Word text editor.
Each received study will undergo a double-blind peer review process and the editorial board will decide whether to accept or reject the text for publication on the basis of the elaborated reviews. The Editorial Board may accept the text conditionally and require correction of the text by author(s) according to the remarks or suggestions of the reviewers.